Tuesday, April 30, 2019


To my dear Niqabi sisters in Sri Lanka, I know you're hurting. I know that complying to the law of the country right now is something you will do but I know that despite you accepting it, you feel hurt, betrayed and burdened for what some terrorists out there did. You're paying the price for something that has nothing to do with you or your Niqab. 

I know that it's also easy for people to say 'Oh for God's sake, it's just a piece of cloth. Stop whining. People have died and you can't even sacrifice your veil!' To those who think that way, we are sacrificing it for the security of the country but don't you think for a moment that it's an easy choice on us. The thought of stepping out of the house without the Niqab will feel as though we've been stripped of something we hold extremely dear to our hearts. But then again, you can never understand and I don't expect you to. This is a pain that only another Niqabi can relate to.

To my dear strong Niqabi sisters, I want you to not lose hope at this point. Please recall the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah. The terms of the Treaty were totally not in the favour of Muslims but yet, Prophet Muhammad signed it. This made the Sahabah so worried so much so that Umar ral asked, "Are we not right and our enemy wrong?" The Prophet answered, "Yes." Umar asked, "Why do we then disgrace our religion?"

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "I am the Messenger of Allah and I will never disobey Him and He is my support." 

It was this Treaty of Hudaibiyyah that Allah calls the 'Manifest victory' in the Quran. It seemed as though it was unfair on the Muslims and Islam but through this, Allah set the course for the ultimate victory.

So my Niqabi sisters, be honoured that Allah chose you to bring about a great good. I know right now it's very hard but hold on to patience and know that Allah's help is very near. Huge hugs to all you awesome Sri Lankan Niqabis. I'm so incredibly proud of you and I pray that Allah gives you immense strength and patience at this time. Chin up girls and lots of love!

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Sometimes, you literally feel as though you've been cut open and exposed, still raw with the trauma you've been through and thinking back on it feels like prodding on an unhealed wound. It hurts to the limit of it being almost unbearable and it's natural to want to cut out on any recollections of that hardship. 

Some people would say that it's a closed chapter and you should never allow yourself to think back on it but personally I feel that you should look back once in a while and allow yourself to explore that wound again just so that you rebuild hope in your heart that if Allah got you through that, then He most certainly can get you through any difficulty you're tackling right now as well.

Yes, you went through some of the hardest times but never forget that there was a reason as to why you had to go through it. There are lessons in that. Because of that difficulty, your life may have taken a new path, or you may have learned to love yourself, or you may have started to rely more on Allah. We never know the reason for it but I want you to remember that no matter how hard your difficulty is, Allah decreed it upon you for a reason. And even if your mind cannot comprehend what that may be, teach yourself to see Allah's plan even in the raw and bleeding flesh of your wounds. It would hurt - no doubt - but if you accept it with patience, Allah will heal that wound and erase it in a way you could never even recognize that it existed. Such is the power of Allah. Trust Him with your whole heart and with your entire being. Trust Him and allow Him to heal those wounds for you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


When you're going through a test in life, it feels unbearable. Like you're breaking inside out. Like you can't breath. Like you've hit rock bottom. Like you can't take it anymore. The pain is intense and no words can express the helplessness you feel at that time.

But no matter how hard you think your test is and no matter how much you feel like you can't take it anymore, know that you have the capacity to get through it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be put in that situation in the first place. It feels paradoxical actually but the fact is that this isn't something I'm making up. This isn't even something someone just told me. This isn't those random life reflections you see on the internet. This is a life lesson from the One Who created life itself. And although this may feel hard to digest particularly when you feel at your breaking point, know that you will only be tested and burdened to your capacity.

This is Allah's promise and of all the words and promises people ever make - even all the combined promises of the most truthful people to walk on the earth - this wouldn't equal to even an atom when compared to the truthfulness and promise of my Lord.

"Allah does not charge a soul except [according to] what He has given it. Allah will bring about, after hardship, ease." (Quran 65:7)